That it can be stable for backport branches. Removes leading ce- and ee-, and trailing -ce and -ee, so It always picks the same reviewers and maintainers for the sameīranch name (unless their out-of-office (OOO) status changes, as in point 1).Is 🔶 :large_orange_diamond: or 🔸 :small_orange_diamond: are half as likely to be picked. Trainee maintainers with 🔵 :large_blue_circle: are four times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.Reviewers with 🔵 :large_blue_circle: are two times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.This applies to both reviewers and trainee maintainers. Is 🔵 :large_blue_circle: are more likely to be picked. Team members whose Slack or GitLab status emoji.Focus mode - 💡 :bulb: (focusing on their team’s work)Īre three times as likely to be picked as other reviewers.Out sick - 🌡️ :thermometer:, 🤒 :face_with_thermometer:.On leave - 🌴 :palm_tree:, 🏖️ :beach:, ⛱ :beach_umbrella:, 🏖 :beach_with_umbrella:, 🌞 :sun_with_face:, 🎡 :ferris_wheel:.GitLab user Busy indicator is set to True.Contains the string OOO, PTO, Parental Leave, or Friends and Family.
#Best code review tools for git free#
If you need assistance with security scans or comments, feel free to include theĪpplication Security Team ( in the review.ĭepending on the areas your merge request touches, it must be approved by oneįor approvals, we use the approval functionality found in the merge request If you need some guidance (for example, it’s your first merge request), feel free to ask You can read more about the importance of involving reviewers in the section on the responsibility of the author below. If your merge request touches more than one domain (for example, Dynamic Analysis and GraphQL), ask for reviews from an expert from each domain. However, it is recommended to pick someone who is a domain expert. This is only a recommendation and the reviewer may be from a different team. The default approach is to choose a reviewer from your group or team for the first review. Implementation, and an extra pair of eyes looking for bugs, logic problems, or There is any code to review, to get a second opinion on the chosen solution and You are strongly encouraged to get your code reviewed by a Getting your merge request reviewed, approved, and merged Or a wider community member, must go through a code review process to ensure theĬode is effective, understandable, maintainable, and secure. This guide contains advice and best practices for performing code review, andĪll merge requests for GitLab CE and EE, whether written by a GitLab team member